

sgreen-input - settings description for sgreen(1)


sgreen-input is the format used by the sgreen(1) program to describe settings when applying a Green function. It relies on a line-based ad-hoc syntax.

A settings file is composed of lines of text, each one describing the settings to apply for a Green function call. Each line contains variable = value pairs in any number (at least one pair for a line to be meaningful). A list of all legit variable names can be found in the Green function summary, as produced by sgreen(1) option -s.


In what follows, text appearing between quote marks has to be used verbatim in the input, except the quote characters. Also, text introduced by the # character in descriptions, when not verbatim, is a comment and is not part of the description.

<settings-file>    ::= <settings-line>
                     [ <settings-file> ]

<settings-line>    ::= [ <var> "=" <value> ] [ <settings-line> ] [ comment ]


<var>              ::= <description-name>"."<field>
                     | "AMBIENT" # set ambient radiative temperature value

<value>            ::= REAL

<comment>          ::= "#" Any text introduced by the # character

<description-name> ::= STRING # no space allowed

<field>            ::= "T" # set the temperature value
                     | "F" # set the flux value
                     | "VP" # set the volumic power value


Except the name AMBIENT, that refers to the ambient radiative temperature and is always a legit name in settings, the list of names that can be used to form settings is the list of medium and boundary case-sensitive names defined in the stardis-input(5) files used when creating the Green function applied to the settings.


Any physical quantity involved in settings files is expected in the International System of Units (metre, kelvin, Watt).


Apply a Green function with AMBIENT radiative temperature set to 0 K.


First apply a Green function with volumic power in medium AL set to 100 W/m3 and temperature of the Left boundary set to 300 K. Then apply it with the same variables set to 120 and 350 respectively. Finally, apply it with the same variables set to 140 and 360 respectively and temperature of the Right boundary set to 380 K.

AL.VP=100 Left.T=300
AL.VP=120 Left.T=350
AL.VP=140 Left.T=360 Right.T=380


sgreen(1), sgreen-input(5)