Atmosphere Starter Pack

Atmosphere Starter Pack 0.8.0

The htrdr: Atmosphere Starter Pack contains input data to perform renderings with htrdr-atmosphere. It also provides shell scripts that run predefined htrdr-atmosphere commands. These scripts are examples and good starting points for learning how to run htrdr-atmosphere; users are encouraged to modify and extend them.


Images of the DZVAR, DZVAR2, L12km_BOMEX and L25_Fire scenes rendered with htrdr-atmosphere.

Atmospheric profile

The ecrad_opt_prop.txt file defines the gas optical properties provided for the pressure and temperature atmospheric vertical profile. These data were generated with the ECRAD software and are saved according to the htgop file format.


The files contained in the clouds subdirectory contains htcp files defining the liquid water content in suspension within clouds. These fields are generated from idealized Large Eddy Simulations computed by the French non hydrostatic research model, MesoNH (Lafore et al. 1998, Lac et al. 2018), with flat surfaces and prescribed large-scale forcings. Available files are:

Water droplets properties

The file stores the spectro-angular tabulation of water droplets optical properties computed using the Mishchenko et al. (2002) implementation of the Lorenz-Mie solution for light scattering by homogeneous spherical particles The monodisperse solution was integrated over a log-normal droplet size distribution of effective radius 10 micrometers and effective variance 0.01 micrometers. This NetCDF file is formatted according to the htmie file format.

The image of the city scene rendered with htrdr-atmosphere. The thin lens camera used in this rendering focuses on background elements; the foreground vegetation is out of focus.


The models subdirectory contains geometries saved in the htrdr-obj file format. Available geometries are:

Image of the DZVAR cloud field rendered from the top of the atmosphere with an orthographic camera.

Ground materials

The materials/legacy subdirectory regroups various MruMtl files representing materials whose spectral properties have been collected / inferred from available public sources: handbooks, manufacturer web sites, and public databases such as the USGS High Resolution Spectral Library. Various sources have most of the time been necessary in order to gather data over the whole thermal infrared range.

The MruMtl files contained in the materials/slum subdirectory are generated from the Spectral Library of impervious Urban Materials (SLUM) developped by S. Kotthaus et al.

Finally, a set of htrdr-materials are stored in the materials directory. Each file is a list materials required by the ground geometries (city.mtls, desert.mtls, mountain.mtls, plane.mtls, sea.mtls), or the whole set of materials contained in the aforementionned sub-directories (legacy.mtls and slum.mtls files).

Shell scripts

The provided shell scripts runs a htrdr-atmosphere command without any frills except command arguments that are described by variables for ease of reading. This is to give examples to users and invite them to study and modify these commands according to their needs.

Install and run

Download the Atmosphere Starter-Pack archive and verify its integrity against its PGP signature. Then extract it.

Assuming htrdr-atmosphere is properly installed and registered on your current shell, just run the desired script. For example, to render the city scene:


When invoking the script, htrdr-atmosphere is executed according to the data and parameters defined in the file. After calculation, the resulting image city_1280x720x256.txt is stored as htrdr-image file format. One can then use the program htpp to convert it into a normal PPM file which can then be displayed with a regular Image viewer.

htpp -i exposure=0.2 -o city.ppm city_1280x720x256.txt


Version Archive
0.8.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.7.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.6.1 [tarball] [pgp]
0.6.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.5.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.4.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.3.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.2.0 [tarball] [pgp]
0.1.1 [tarball] [pgp]

Version 0.8

The GNU Bash, a script used to dynamically construct an htrdr-atmosphere command line, is now replaced by a set of no-frills POSIX shell scripts, each executing a predefined htrdr-atmosphere command. Command-line arguments are defined using variables for ease of reading. In addition to its extensive compatibility, this rewrite was done to simplify the reading and study of scripts in order to encourage users to edit and extend them.

Version 0.7

Version 0.6.1

Version 0.6

Version 0.5

Version 0.4

Version 0.3

Version 0.2

Copyright notice

Copyright © 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023 |Méso|Star> (
Copyright © 2018 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Copyright © 2018 Université Paul Sabatier

The MruMtl files contained in the materials/slum subdirectory are created from the the Spectral Library of impervious Urban Materials, copyright © 2013 University of Reading.


htrdr: Atmosphere Starter Pack is released under the GPLv3+ license: GNU GPL version 3 or later. You can freely study, modify or extend it. You are also welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; refer to the license for details.