solstice-input - solar plant description for solstice(1)DESCRIPTION
The solstice-input is the format used by the solstice(1) program to represent a solar plant. It relies on the YAML 1.1 data serialization standard [1]; assuming that the file is compatible with the solstice-input semantic, a solar plant can be described by using the whole YAML 1.1 functionalities including compact notation and data tagging.
A solar plant is composed of a sun, an optional atmosphere and a collection of geometries, i.e. shapes with their associated material. Beside the raw description of the aforementioned data, the solstice-input format provides the entity item to efficiently structure the geometries in the scene. An entity is a node in a tree data structure where the position of each child entity is relative to the position of its parent. An entity can either encapsulate a geometry or a pivot that controls the dynamic positioning of its child entities with respect to the pivot constraints and the sun direction submitted to the solstice(1) program.
<solar-plant> ::= - <sun> - <item> [ - <item> ... ] [ - <atmosphere> ] <item> ::= <entity> | <geometry> | <material> | <medium> | <spectrum> | <template> ------------------------------------- <geometry> ::= geometry: - <object> [ - <object> ... ] <object> ::= <shape> <material> [ <transform> ] <x_pivot> ::= x_pivot: <target> [ ref_point: <real3> ] # Default is [0,0,0] <zx_pivot> ::= zx_pivot: <target> [ spacing: REAL ] # in [0, INF). Default 0 [ ref_point: <real3> ] # Default is [0,0,0] <target> ::= target: anchor: <anchor-identifier> | direction: <real3> | position: <real3> | <sun> ------------------------------------- <shape> ::= <cuboid> | <cylinder> | <hemisphere> | <hyperbol> | <parabol> | <parabolic-cylinder> | <plane> | <sphere> | <stl> <cuboid> ::= cuboid: size: <real3> # in ]0, INF]^3 <cylinder> ::= cylinder: height: REAL # in ]0, INF) radius: REAL # in ]0, INF) [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [4, 4096]. Default is 16 [ stacks: INTEGER ] # in [1, 4096]. Default is 1 <hemisphere> ::= hemisphere: radius: REAL # in ]0, INF) [ clip: <polyclip-list> ] [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [4, 4096] <hyperbol> ::= hyperbol: focals: <hyperboloid-focals> clip: <polyclip-list> [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [4, 4096] <parabol> ::= parabol: focal: REAL # in ]0, INF) clip: <polyclip-list> [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [4, 4096] <parabolic-cylinder> ::= parabolic-cylinder: focal: REAL # in ]0, INF) clip: <polyclip-list> [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [4, 4096] <plane> ::= plane: clip: <polyclip-list> [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [1, 4096]. Default is 1 <sphere> ::= sphere: radius: REAL # in ]0, INF) [ slices: INTEGER ] # in [4, 4096]. Default is 16 [ stacks: INTEGER ] # in [2, 4096]. Default is slices/2 <stl> ::= stl: path: PATH <hyperboloid-focals> ::= real: REAL # in ]0, INF) image: REAL # in ]0, INF) ---------------------------------------- <polyclip-list> ::= - <polyclip> [ - <polyclip> ... ] <polyclip> ::= operation: <AND|SUB> <contour-descriptor> <contour-descriptor> ::= <circle-descriptor> | <vertices-descriptor> <vertices-descriptor> ::= vertices: <vertices-list> <circle-descriptor> ::= circle: radius: REAL # in ]0, INF) [ center: <real2> ] # Default is 0,0 [ segments: INTEGER ] # in [3, 4096]. Default is 64 <vertices-list> ::= - <real2> - <real2> - <real2> [ - <real2> ... ] ---------------------------------------- <material> ::= material: <material-descriptor> | <double-sided-mtl> <double-sided-mtl> ::= front: <material-descriptor> back: <material-descriptor> <material-descriptor> ::= <dielectric> | <matte> | <mirror> | <thin-dielectric> | <virtual> <dielectric> ::= dielectric: medium_i: <medium-descriptor> medium_t: <medium-descriptor> [ <normal-map> ] <matte> ::= matte: reflectivity: <mtl-data> # in [0, 1] [ <normal-map> ] <mirror> ::= mirror: reflectivity: <mtl-data> # in [0, 1] slope_error: <mtl-data> [ microfacet: <normal-distrib> ] # Default is BECKMANN [ <normal-map> ] <normal-distrib> ::= BECKMANN | PILLBOX <virtual> ::= virtual: EMPTY-STRING <thin-dielectric> ::= thin_dielectric: thickness: REAL # in [0, INF) medium_i: <medium-descriptor> medium_t: <medium-descriptor> [ <normal-map> ] <normal-map> ::= normal_map: path: PATH ---------------------------------------- <medium> ::= medium: <medium-descriptor> <medium-descriptor> ::= refractive_index: <mtl-data> # in ]0, INF) extinction: <mtl-data> # in [0, INF) ---------------------------------------- <entity> ::= entity: <entity-data> <template> ::= template: <entity-data> <entity-data> ::= name: STRING [ <geometry-data> | <x_pivot> | <zx_pivot> ] [ <anchors> ] [ <transform> ] [ <children> ] <geometry-data> ::= primary: INTEGER # in [0, 1] <geometry> <children> ::= children: - <entity-data> [ - <entity-data> ... ] <anchors> ::= anchors: - <anchor-data> [ - <anchor-data> ... ] <anchor-data> ::= name: STRING <position-descriptor> <position-descriptor> ::= position: <real3> | hyperboloid_image_focals: <hyperboloid_focals> <entity-identifier> ::= <self|STRING>[.STRING ... ] <anchor-identifier> ::= <entity-identifier>.STRING ---------------------------------------- <sun> ::= sun: dni: REAL # Direct Normal Irradiance in ]0, INF) [ <spectrum> ] # Default is the smarts295 spectrum [ <sun-shape> ] <sun-shape> ::= <pillbox> | <gaussian> | <buie> <buie> ::= buie: csr: REAL # in [1e-6, 0.849] <pillbox> ::= pillbox: half_angle: REAL # in ]0, 90] <gaussian> ::= gaussian: std_dev: REAL # in ]0, INF) ---------------------------------------- <atmosphere> ::= atmosphere: extinction: <mtl-data> # in [0, 1] ---------------------------------------- <mtl-data> ::= REAL | <spectrum-data-list> <transform> ::= transform: translation: <real3> rotation: <real3> <real2> ::= - REAL - REAL <real3> ::= - REAL - REAL - REAL <spectrum> ::= spectrum: <spectrum-data-list> <spectrum-data-list> ::= - <spectrum-data> [ - <spectrum-data> ... ] <spectrum-data> ::= wavelength: REAL # in [0, INF) data: REAL # in [0, INF)
The sun describes the source of the solar plant. Its direction is not defined into the solstice-input(5) file but is provided by the solstice(1) command. This allows to use the same unmodified solstice-input(5) file for several simulations with different sun directions.
The main sun property is its direct normal irradiance, or dni in W.m^-2. Its value is a scalar defining the direct irradiance received on a plane perpendicular to the main sun direction. The optional spectrum parameter describes the per wavelength distribution of the sun dni. Note that this distribution is automatically normalized by solstice(1). If the spectrum attribute is not defined, solstice(1) uses a default spectrum computed with the SMARTS software [2] between 0.28 and 4 micro-meters. The total dni (integrated over the spectral range) was set to 1000 W.m^-2. The standard Mid-Latitude-Summer atmosphere was used with most of gases concentration set as default (the CO2 concentration was assumed 400ppmv in the atmosphere column).
Even if an atmosphere is provided, the atmospheric effects from the top of the atmosphere to ground level are not computed using the atmosphere description. As a result, the sun description (dni and optional spectrum) is expected to include all the atmospheric effects (sun irradiance available at ground level).
The sun-shape parameter controls the angular distribution of the sun light intensity across the sun's disk. If not defined, the distribution is assumed to be a dirac distribution (infinite directional source). The available sun shapes are:
- The pillbox distribution defines an uniform intensity over the sun's disk. Its single half_angle parameter is the sun's disk half-angle in degrees, that is linked to the apparent size of the sun. A typical half_angle is 0.2664.
- The gaussian distribution defines a gaussian distribution of the solar incoming direction. Its single std_dev parameter is the standard deviation of the distribution in degrees. Values around 0.2 are typical. As the gaussian distribution is not truncated, the resulting sun vector can theoreticaly be oriented towards the sun, especially with a big, non-typical std_dev value.
- The buie distribution, as first discribed in [3]. Its single csr parameter is the ratio between the circumsolar irradiance and the sum of the circumsolar and sun's disk irradiance. An analysis on typical csr values can be found in [4].
The atmosphere, when provided, describes the medium surrounding the solar plant. Its only parameter is its extinction coefficient in m^-1, that can either be a scalar if the extinction is constant over the spectrum, or can be spectrally described. The extinction along light paths is only computed after the first reflector, as sun description must include all the atmospheric effects before the first reflector (see sun description for more details).
If no atmosphere is provided, atmospheric extinction after the first reflector is not taken into account.
A material describes the properties of an interface. These properties can be the same for the two sides of the interface or may be differentiated with a double-sided-mtl. The material comportment is controlled by a material-descriptor that specifies the physical properties of the interface as well as its optional normal perturbation. Note that the physical properties can be either scalars or spectral data.
Material descriptors
The available material descriptors are:
- Interface between 2 dielectric media. Its medium_i
parameter defines the current medium, i.e. the medium the ray
travels in, while medium_t represents the opposite medium.
Incoming rays are either specularly reflected or refracted
according to a Fresnel term computed with respect to the refractive
indices of the 2 media as:
Fr = 1/2 * (Rs^2 + Rp^2)
with Rs and Rp the reflectance for the light polarized with its electric field perpendicular or parallel to the plane of incidence, respectively.
Rs = (n1 * |wi.N| - n2 * |wt.N|) / (n1 * |wi.N| + n2 * |wt.N|) Rp = (n2 * |wi.N| - n1 * |wt.N|) / (n2 * |wi.N| + n1 * |wt.N|)
with n1 and n2 the indices of refraction of the incident and transmitted media, and wi and wt the incident and transmitted direction.
Be careful to ensure the media consistency in the solstice-input(5) file; a ray travelling in a medium A can only encounter a medium interface whose medium_i attribute is A. Consequently, a dielectric material must be defined as a double sided material whose front and back interfaces are dielectrics with inverted media:
material: front: dielectric: medium_i: &vacuum { refractive_index: 1, extinction: 0 } medium_t: &glass { refractive_index: 1.5, extinction: 20 } back: dielectric: medium_i: *glass medium_t: *vacuum
If the media consistency is not ensured, solstice(1) will fail to run simulations. Note that by default, the surrounding medium is assumed to be the vacuum, i.e. its refractive index and its extinction are scalars whose values are 1 and 0, respectively. If an atmosphere is defined, the refractive index of the surrounding medium is still the scalar 1 but its extinction is the one of the atmosphere. In other words, to reference the surrounding medium in the medium_i or the medium_t attribute of a dielectric interface, one has to define a medium whose refractive index is the scalar 1 and extinction is either 0 or the extinction of the atmosphere if the latter is defined or not, respectively.
- Diffuse surface. Reflects the same intensity in all directions independently of the incoming direction.
- Specular or glossy reflection whether the slope_error
parameter is 0 or not, respectively. Glossy reflections are
controlled by a microfacet BRDF. The microfacet normals are
distributed with respect to the Beckmann or the Pillbox
distribution according to the normal-distrib attribute.
Let S the slope_error parameter in ]0, 1]. The Beckmann distribution is defined as:
D(wh) = exp(-tan^2(a) / m^2) / (PI * m^2 * cos^4(a))
with a = arccos(wh.N), and m = sqrt(2)*S while the pillbox distribution is defined as:
| 0; if |wh.N| >= S D(wh) = | | 1 / (PI * (1 - cos^2(S))); if |wh.N| < S
- The interface is assumed to be a thin slab of a dielectric
material. The medium_i parameter defines the outside
dielectric medium while medium_t is the medium of the thin
slab. Incoming rays are either specularly reflected or transmitted
(without deviation) according to a Fresnel term computed with
respect to the refractive indices of the 2 media as:
Fr = 1/2 * (Rs^2 + Rp^2)
with Rs and Rp the reflectance for the light polarized with its electric field perpendicular or parallel to the plane of incidence, respectively.
Rs = (n1 * |wi.N| - n2 * |wt.N|) / (n1 * |wi.N| + n2 * |wt.N|) Rp = (n2 * |wi.N| - n1 * |wt.N|) / (n2 * |wi.N| + n1 * |wt.N|)
with n1 and n2 the indices of refraction of the incident and transmitted media, and wi and wt the incident and transmitted direction. Note that the underlying scattering function correctly handles the multiple refraction effects into the thin slab.
Be careful to ensure the media consistency in the solstice-input(5) file; a ray travelling in a medium A can only encounter a medium interface whose medium_i attribute is A. If the media consistency is not ensured, solstice(1) will fail to run simulations. Note that by default, the surrounding medium is assumed to be the vacuum, i.e. its refractive index and its extinction are scalars whose values are 1 and 0, respectively. If an atmosphere is defined, the refractive index of the surrounding medium is still the scalar 1 but its extinction is the one of the atmosphere. In other words, to reference the surrounding medium in the medium_i attribute of a thin-dielectric interface, one has to define a medium whose refractive index is the scalar 1 and extinction is either 0 or the extinction of the atmosphere if the latter is defined.
- Fully transparent interface.
Normal map
All the material descriptors, excepted the virtual, provide an optional normal-map attribute that defines a path toward a Portable PixMap image [5] whose pixels store a normal expressed in the tangent space of the interface. By default the unperturbed tangent space normal is {0,0,1}. The PPM image can be encoded on 8 or 16-bits per component either in ASCII or binary. The parameterization of this 2D image onto the shape surfaces depends on the type of the shape. For the hemisphere, hyperbol, parabol, plane and parabolic-cylinder shapes, the image is mapped in the {X,Y} plane. The other shapes are not parameterized and consequently, applying a normal-mapped material on these shapes leads to undefined behaviors.
A shape describes a geometric model. It is defined in its local space, i.e. in a coordinate system whose origin is proper to the shape. No space transformation can be introduced through the declaration of a shape: it should be transformed externally through an object and/or entities. solstice-input(1) provides 2 types of shape: quadric and mesh. The former is used to declare parametric surfaces, while the latter describes triangulated surfaces.
A quadric shape is defined from a quadric equation and a set of 2D clipping operations performed in their {X,Y} plane. By convention, the front side of the quadric surface looks toward the positive Z axis. Internally, the clipped quadric surface is discretized in a triangular mesh with respect to the discretisation parameters of the quadric. This mesh is used by solstice(1) as a "proxy" to speed up the access toward the quadric shape: the quadric position and its associated normal are in fine computed from the quadric equation.
The quadric surface is parameterized in the {X,Y} plane. Its parameterization domain is defined from the bounds of its clipped mesh in the {X,Y} plane:
u = (x - lowerX) / (upperX-lowerX) v = (y - lowerY) / (upperY-lowerY)
with u and v the mapped 2D coordinates from a 3D position {x,y,z} onto the quadric, and lower<X|Y> and upper<X|Y> the lower and upper bounds of the clipped quadric along the X and Y axis. The available quadrics are:
- Hemispheric shape defined along the Z axis whose minimum is
positioned at the origin. The slices parameter controls the
number of divisions along the Z axis.
x^2 + y^2 + (z-radius)^2 = radius^2
- Hyperbolic quadric defined along the Z axis whose minimum is
positioned at the origin. The slices parameter controls the
discretisation of the hyperbol. If not defined, it is automatically
computed with respect to the hyperbol curvature.
(x^2 + y^2) / a^2 - (z + z0 - g/2)^2 / b^2 + 1 = 0 a^2 = g^2(f - f^2) b = g(f - 1/2) z0 = |b| + g/2 g = focals.real + focals.image f = focals.real / g
- Parabolic quadric defined along the Z axis whose minimum is
positioned at the origin. The slices parameter controls the
discretisation of the parabol. If not defined, it is automatically
computed with respect to the parabol curvature.
x^2 + y^2 - 4 * focal * z = 0
- Parabolic cylinder oriented along the Z axis whose main axis is
along the X axis and minimum is positioned at the origin. The
slices parameter controls the discretisation of the
parabolic cylinder. If not defined, it is automatically computed
with respect to the parabolic cylinder curvature.
y^2 - 4 * focal * z = 0
- Plane whose normal points along the positive Z axis. The slices attribute controls the discretisation of the clipped plane.
A clipping operation, or polyclip, is used to remove some parts of the quadric surface. It is defined by a 2D contour-descriptor expressed in the {X,Y} plane and a clipping operation. The AND and SUB clip operands, remove the quadric surface that intersects or does not intersect the contour-descriptor, respectively. The available countour-descriptors are:
- Circular contour whose size is defined by the radius parameter. Actually, solstice(1) discretized the circular contour with respect to the segments attribute that defines the overall number of segments used to approximate the circle.
- Polygonal contour described by a list of 2D vertices. The polygon edges are defined by connecting each vertex to its previous one. To ensure that the polygon is closed, an additional edge is automatically created between the first and the last vertex. Note that solstice(1) assumes that the defined polygon does not overlap itself, i.e. their non consecutive edges are not intersecting.
The clip parameter of the quadrics lists a set of the aforementioned 2D polyclips. Each of these clipping operations is successively applied on the remaining quadric surface, in the order on which they are declared. For instance, the following example uses 5 clipping operations on a plane to build a rectangle with a circular hole at each of its corner. The first polyclip limits the infinite plane to a rectangle centered in 0 whose size in X and Y is 8 and 4, respectively. The 4 subsequent polyclips drill the rectangle near of its corner with circles whose radius is 0.5:
plane: clip: - {operation: AND, vertices: [[-4,-2],[-4,2],[4,2],[4,-2]]} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 0.5, center: [-3,-1]}} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 0.5, center: [-3, 1]}} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 0.5, center: [ 3,-1]}} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 0.5, center: [ 3, 1]}}
Triangular mesh
Triangular meshes are generated by solstice(1) from a shape description or loaded from a CAO file. Their normals are defined per triangle and are thus discontinuous even for smooth shapes as spheres. The triangular meshes are not parameterized, i.e. they do not provide a mapping from a 3D position onto its surface to a 2D coordinates. Applying a normal-mapped material to a triangular mesh will thus produce undefined behaviors.
The available triangular meshes are:
- Axis aligned cuboid centered in 0 whose corner positions and dimensions along the 3 axis are defined by the size parameter. The front side of the cuboid surface looks outside the cuboid.
- Cylinder centered in 0 whose height is along the positive Z axis. The top and the bottom of the cylinder is capped. The stacks and slices parameters control the discretisation, i.e. the number of divisions, along or around the Z axis, respectively. The front side of the cylinder surface looks outside the cylinder.
- Triangulated sphere centered in 0. The stacks and slices parameters control the discretisation, i.e. the number of divisions, along or around the Z axis, respectively. The front side of the sphere surface looks outside the sphere.
- Path toward an external mesh file defined with respect to the ASCII STereo Lithography file format. The front side of the loaded triangles is defined with respect to their vertex ordering into the STL file: a triangle is front facing when their vertices are clock wise ordered.
An entity is used to declare and position shapes into the solar plant. Actually, the entity is the only item that effectively spawns a geometry into the solar plant: if a geometry is declared but not referenced by an entity, it is ignored by solstice(1). An entity is a hierarchical data structure that can have child entities whose transformation is relative to their parent. If not defined, the transform parameter of an entity is assumed to be the identity, i.e. its rotation and translation are nulls.
Each entity has a name which must be unique per hierarchy level: 2 root entities (i.e. entities without parent) cannot have the same name as well as the children of a same parent entity. In addition, the name string cannot contain dots, spaces or tabulations. A child entity is identified into the solar plant by successively concatenating, with the '.' character, the name of its ancestors with its own name. This naming convention is used in the solstice-receiver(5) format to define the entities to track during the solstice(1) computations. For instance, in the following example, the entity-identifier of the child entity named level2 is level0.level1.level2:
entity: name: level0 child: - name: level1 child: - name: level2
An entity encapsulates either a geometry or a pivot. The former is a collection of objects, i.e. shapes with their associated material and an optional transformation. The latter is used to control the dynamic positioning of the child entities with respect to some constraints defined by the pivot type, and the sun directions submitted by solstice(1). Each entity can also have a list of anchors. An anchor is used to define a position relative to the entity into which it is declared.
For a geometric entity one has to define if the encapsulated geometry is a primary geometry, i.e. a geometry directly lit by the sun and used to concentrate the solar flux (e.g. a primary mirror). One can define all the solar plant geometric entities as primaries but a well designed solar plant with correctly tagged primary geometries will drastically improve the convergence speed of the solstice(1) simulations.
A template is a first level entity with no existence into the solar plant. It is used to pre-declare an entity hierarchy that can then be instantiated several times in the solar plant by referencing it through common entities with YAML data tagging. In the following example, the templated entity my-template is instantiated 3 times into the scene:
- template: &my-template name: bar primary: 1 geometry: ... - entity: name: foo0 transform: {translation: [-10.5, 0, 0]} children: [*my-template] - entity: name: foo1 transform: {translation: [0, 0, 0]} children: [*my-template] - entity: name: foo2 transform: {translation: [10.5, 0, 0]} children: [*my-template]
A pivot is a special kind of node that can be used in the tree data structure describing an entity to automatically point its child geometry according to the sun position and to the pivot parameters. It is supposed (but not mandatory) that the children of a pivot includes a reflector, that, once pivoted, will reflect the sun light towards a target. You should note that a pivot cannot be the child of another pivot.
The most noticeable pivot parameter is its target. Four different types of targets are available:
- Define the target as being an absolute point in world coordinates.
- Define the target as being a position relative to an entity (see the anchor section).
- Define the target as being the center of the sun.
- The pivot reflects light in the given direction, specified in world coordinates.
Pivots can also have a ref_point optional parameter defining a 3D point in the coordinate system the pivot children that will be used by the pointing algorithm. If not provided, it is set to the origin.
Two different flavours of pivots are available: x_pivot and zx_pivot, each with its own set of parameters and behaviour.
- Pivot with a single rotation axis: the +X axis in its local coordinate system. It has a target and can have a ref_point. Its pointing algorithm considers an incoming ray of light from the center of the sun and rotates its children so that a specular reflection at ref_point using +Z as local normal will hit the target point of the pivot, or will have the specified direction (depending of the kind of target).
- Pivot with two rotation axis: the +Z axis in its local coordinate system, then the +X axis in the coordinate system resulting of the Z rotation. It has a target and can have a ref_point and a spacing that defines the translation along the +Y axis after the first rotation. If not defined, spacing is 0. The zx_pivot pointing algorithm considers an incoming ray of light from the center of the sun and rotates its children so that a specular reflection at ref_point using +Y as local normal will hit the target point of the pivot, or will have the specified direction (depending of the kind of target).
An anchor defines a relative position into the entity hierarchy. They are particularly useful for pivots and hyperbolic shapes that may have to reference a position relative to an entity whose transformations may also depends of its ancestor. An anchor has a name that must be unique for the whole sets of per entity anchors. In addition, a name cannot contain dots, spaces or tabulations. An anchor is identified into the solar plant by concatenating, with the '.' character, its name to the entity-identifier of the entity into which it is declared. For instance, in the following example, the anchor-identifier of the anchor named anchor0 is level0.level1.anchor0:
entity: name: level0 child: - name: level1 anchor: - {name: anchor0, position: [0, 0, 0]} - {name: anchor1, position: [1, 2, 3]}
In some situations, the anchor-identifier cannot be fully determined. Let a templated entity with a descendant referencing an anchor of one of its ancestors. On its declaration, the template is still not instantiated through a parent entity and consequently the name of the root entity is unknown. Moreover, the name of the root entity cannot be fixed since it changes for each instance of the template. To handle these cases, the self reserved keyword allows to reference the unknown root entity of the currently declared hierarchy. In the following example, the entities entity0.level0.level1 and entity1.level0.level1 encapsulate a pivot that references the anchor anchor0 defined in their respective parent entity0.level0 and entity1.level0:
- template: &my-template name: level0 anchor: [{name: anchor0, position: [1, 2, 3]}] child: - name: level1 pivot: x_pivot: ref_point: {0, 0, 0} target: {anchor: self.level0.anchor0} - entity: {name: entity0, child: [*my-template]} - entity: {name: entity1, child: [*my-template]}
A transform is used to move an object or an entity in space. The rotation parameter list 3 angles in degrees defining the rotation to perform around the X, Y and Z axis. The translation attribute describes the offsets to apply along the X, Y and Z axis. Let the local repair p of an object, p is transformed in p' with respect to its associated transform as follow:
p' = Rx * Ry * Rz * (T + p)
with T the translation vector and Rx, Ry and Rz the rotation matrices around the X, Y and Z axis defined as:
| 1 0 0 | | cY 0 sY | | cZ -sZ 0 | Rx = | 0 cX -sX |; Ry = | 0 1 0 |; Rz = | sZ cZ 0 | | 0 sX cX | |-sY 0 cY | | 0 0 1 |
where c<X|Y|Z> and s<X|Y|Z> are the cosine and the sinus, respectively, of the rotation angles around the X, Y and Z axis.
Declare 2 entities and a point source sun. The first entity is a purely specular square of size 10, whose center is at the origin. The second entity is a purely transparent square used as a receiver of the solar flux. Its size is 1 and its center is positioned at {0,0,2}:
- sun: {dni: 1000} - entity: name: reflector primary: 1 geometry: - material: mirror: reflectivity: 1 slope_error: 0 plane: clip: - operation: AND vertices: - [-5.0,-5.0] - [-5.0, 5.0] - [ 5.0, 5.0] - [ 5.0,-5.0] - entity: name: receiver primary: 0 transform: translation: [0, 0, 2] geometry: - material: virtual: # No attrib plane: clip: - operation: AND vertices: - [-0.5,-0.5] - [-0.5, 0.5] - [ 0.5, 0.5] - [ 0.5,-0.5]
Define a circular diffuse reflector surrounded by a virtual sphere and a pillbox-shaped sun whose half_angle is 0.1 degree. Use anchors and tags of the YAML format to reference into the entities a pre-declared geometry. Rely on the YAML compact notation to reduce the number of lines required to describe the scene:
- sun: {dni: 1000, pillbox: {half_angle: 0.1}} - geometry: &small-circle - material: {matte: {reflectivity: 1}} plane: {clip: [{operation: AND, circle: {radius: 0.5}}]} - geometry: &big-sphere - material: {?virtual} sphere: {radius: 2, slices: 128} - entity: {name: reflector, primary: 1, geometry: *small-circle} - entity: {name: receiver, primary: 0, geometry: *big-sphere}
Declare 2 parabolic reflectors from a templated parabola whose orientation is controlled by a zx_pivot. This pivot ensures that the reflector points toward the receiver, independently of its position, by targeting an anchor whose position is defined relatively to the receiver:
- sun: {dni: 1000} - entity: # Receiver name: square_receiver primary: 0 transform: { rotation: [0,90,0], translation: [100,0,10] } anchors: [{name: anchor0, position: [0,0,0]}] geometry: - material: {?virtual} plane: clip: - operation: AND vertices: [[-.5,-.5],[-.5,.5],[.5,.5],[.5,-.5]] - template: &self_oriented_parabol # Reflector name: pivot transform: {translation: [0, 0, 4], rotation: [0, 0, 90]} zx_pivot: {target: {anchor: square_receiver.anchor0}} children: - name: parabol transform: {rotation: [-90, 0, 0]} primary: 1 geometry: - material: {mirror: {reflectivity: 1, slope_error: 0}} parabol: focal: 100 clip: - operation: AND vertices: [[-5,-5],[-5,5],[5,5],[5,-5]] # Instantiate the reflector template - entity: name: reflector1 transform: {translation: [0,0,0]} children: [*self_oriented_parabol] - entity: name: reflector2 transform: {translation: [10,43.6,0]} children: [*self_oriented_parabol]
Declare a solar furnace with 9 heliostats instantiated from the same template. Their position is controlled by a zx_pivot to ensure that the incoming sun rays are reflected toward the negative X axis. Reflected rays are then concentrated by a parabola toward a purely absorptive receiver. The heliostats and the parabola share the same material: the front faces are purely specular while the back faces are diffuse:
- sun: {dni: 1000} - material: &specular front: {mirror: {reflectivity: 1, slope_error: 0}} back: {matte: {reflectivity: 1}} - template: &H # Template of an heliostat name: heliostat transform: {translation: [0,0,5.5]} zx_pivot: {target: {direction: [-1,0,0]}} children: - name: reflector transform: {rotation: [-90,0,0]} primary: 1 geometry: - material: *specular plane: clip: [{operation: AND, vertices: [[-5,-5],[-5,5],[5,5],[5,-5]]}] - entity: # Receiver entity name: receiver primary: 0 transform: {translation: [18,0,20], rotation: [0,90,0]} geometry: - material: {matte: {reflectivity: 0}} plane: clip: - operation: AND vertices: [[-.5,-.5],[-.5,.5],[.5,.5],[.5,-.5]] - entity: # Great parabola name: parabola primary: 0 transform: {translation: [0,0,20], rotation: [0,90,90]} geometry: - material: *specular parabol: focal: 18 clip: [{operation: AND, vertices: [[-30,-20],[-30,20],[30,20],[30,-20]]}] # Instantiate the heliostat template - entity: {name: H1, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [40,-20, 0]}} - entity: {name: H2, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [40, 0, 0]}} - entity: {name: H3, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [40, 20, 0]}} - entity: {name: H4, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [60,-20,10]}} - entity: {name: H5, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [60, 0,10]}} - entity: {name: H6, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [60, 20,10]}} - entity: {name: H7, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [80,-20,20]}} - entity: {name: H8, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [80, 0, 20]}} - entity: {name: H9, children: [*H], transform: {translation: [80, 20,20]}}
This example illustrates the use of quadrics and refractive materials: in this example, three partial parabols with various focal distances and positions concentrate incoming radiation at a common focal position. But a hyperbol is located between the parabols and their common focal position, which is also one of the two focals of the hyperbol. Radiation is therefore redirected to the second focal of the hyperbol, where the square target is located. Finally, a cuboid using a glass material is located between the hyperbol and the target. In this example, a small fraction of incoming power is absorbed by the target. The rest is either missing the target, absorbed or refracted by the glass. Furthermore, this example illustrates the use of a spectrum for refractive index and extinction by various media (air and glass).
# Spectra - spectrum: &solar_spectrum - {wavelength: 0.3, data: 1.0} - {wavelength: 0.4, data: 2.0} - {wavelength: 0.5, data: 0.5} - {wavelength: 0.6, data: 3.5} - {wavelength: 0.7, data: 1.5} - {wavelength: 0.8, data: 0.8} - spectrum: &air_kabs - {wavelength: 0.3, data: 1.0e-4} - {wavelength: 0.4, data: 1.0e-5} - {wavelength: 0.5, data: 2.0e-5} - {wavelength: 0.6, data: 2.0e-4} - {wavelength: 0.7, data: 3.0e-5} - {wavelength: 0.8, data: 1.0e-4} - spectrum: &glass_kabs - {wavelength: 0.3, data: 1.0e-2} - {wavelength: 0.4, data: 1.0e-3} - {wavelength: 0.5, data: 2.0e-3} - {wavelength: 0.6, data: 2.0e-2} - {wavelength: 0.7, data: 3.0e-3} - {wavelength: 0.8, data: 1.0e-3} - spectrum: &glass_ref_index - {wavelength: 0.30, data: 1.40} - {wavelength: 0.40, data: 1.39} - {wavelength: 0.50, data: 1.37} - {wavelength: 0.60, data: 1.34} - {wavelength: 0.70, data: 1.30} - {wavelength: 0.80, data: 1.25} # Media - medium: &air_medium refractive_index: 1 extinction: *air_kabs - medium: &glass_medium refractive_index: *glass_ref_index extinction: *glass_kabs # Sun & atmosphere - sun: {dni: 1, spectrum: *solar_spectrum} - atmosphere: {extinction: *air_kabs} # Materials - material: &specular {mirror: {reflectivity: 1, slope_error: 0}} - material: &black {matte: {reflectivity: 0}} - material: &glass front: {dielectric: {medium_i: *air_medium, medium_t: *glass_medium}} back: {dielectric: {medium_i: *glass_medium, medium_t: *air_medium}} # Primary reflectors - entity: name: "primary_reflector1" primary: 1 transform: {translation: [0, 0, -2.0]} geometry: - material: *specular parabol: focal: 12 clip: - {operation: AND, circle: {radius: 10}} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 5}} - entity: name: "primary_reflector2" primary: 1 transform: {translation: [0, 0, -4]} geometry: - material: *specular parabol: focal: 14 clip: - {operation: AND, circle: {radius: 15}} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 10}} - entity: name: "primary_reflector3" primary: 1 transform: {translation: [0, 0, -6]} geometry: - material: *specular parabol: focal: 16 clip: - {operation: AND, circle: {radius: 20}} - {operation: SUB, circle: {radius: 15}} # Secondary reflector - entity: name: "secondary_reflector" primary: 0 transform: {translation: [0, 0, 6]} geometry: - material: *specular hyperbol: focals: {real: 16.0, image: 4} clip: [{operation: AND, circle: {radius: 5}}] # Glass box - entity: name: "glass_slide" primary: 0 # The entity is not sampled as a primary reflector geometry: - material: *glass cuboid: {size: [10,10,0.5]} transform: {translation: [0, 0, 0.25]} # Receiver - entity: name: "square_receiver" primary: 0 # The entity is not sampled as a primary reflector transform: {translation: [0, 0, -10] } geometry: - material: *black plane: clip: - operation: AND vertices: [[-0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5],[0.5,-0.5]]
- 1. YAML Ain't Markup Language -
- 2. SMARTS, Simple Model of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer of Sunshine -
- 3. D. Buie, A.G. Monger, C.J. Dey. "Sunshape distributions for terrestrial solar simulations". Solar Energy, 2003, 74, pp. 113-122.
- 4. D. Buie, C.J. Dey, S. Bosi. "The effective size of the solar cone for solar concentrating systems". Solar Energy, 2003, 74, pp. 417-427.
- 5. Portable PixMap -
solstice(1), solstice-receiver(5)